Thank you once again for your application, we are currently working on a Make-up Module with our Advanced Acting Class, where we will be covering all types of Make-up looks and SPFX.
Production company Rossi Pictures ( is often looking for Make-up Artistes to work with therefore on filling this form in you will be added to the database and sent jobs as required.
This is a standard form that will be sent to everyone, apologies for the form of questioning, we have had hundreds of applications so we want to fully understand whose who. This will also help us assess who will be the most suitable for the type of roles/experience we have available. Please answer the questions as best as possible and we will be in touch to meet in person if you are successful at this time.
Production company Rossi Pictures ( is often looking for Make-up Artistes to work with therefore on filling this form in you will be added to the database and sent jobs as required.
This is a standard form that will be sent to everyone, apologies for the form of questioning, we have had hundreds of applications so we want to fully understand whose who. This will also help us assess who will be the most suitable for the type of roles/experience we have available. Please answer the questions as best as possible and we will be in touch to meet in person if you are successful at this time.
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